What’s a girl to do about hormonal acne?👇
Let’s examine the root cause! Common western & eastern medicine causes:
- excess androgens & other imbalanced hormones
- gut dysregulation
- inflammatory diet
- stress
- congested liver
- heat in the blood
excess androgens & other imbalanced hormones
You an also look for other symptoms of excess androgens (i.e: unwanted hair growth, irregular periods) and also check blood work for elevated levels.
✅ flax seeds into diet (1-2 TBS/day)
✅ spearmint tea (up to 2 c day)
✅ NAC (600 mg 3x/day)
✅ omega 3 fatty acids: borage, evening primrose
✅ biphasic herbal formulas (1 for follicular & 1 for luteal)
gut dysregulation
Balanced digestion and elimination are crucial for nutrient absorption and healthy detoxification pathways. Make sure to have a daily bowel movement and focus on eating prebiotic (a type of fiber that serves as food for probiotics) and probiotics foods (directly promotes healthy bacteria in the gut) in your diet.
✅ improve elimination w/ plenty of fiber, healthy fats & fluids, triphala
✅ prebiotic foods: apples, avocado, leeks, artichoke, garlic, soybeans, dandlion greens
✅ probiotic foods: miso, saurkraut, tempeh, yogurt, pickles
✅ belly breathing
inflammatory diet
Skin outbreaks are basically inflammation. Increase anti-inflammatory foods and eliminate foods that cause an inflammatory response. And drink plenty of pure water! Aim for half your body weight in ounces each day.
✅ increase vegetable & low glycemic fruits
✅ increase anti-inflammatory spices: ginger, turmeric, mediterranean herbs
✅ healthy fats
✅ eliminate refined carbs, sugars & fried foods
congested liver
Our liver helps process hormones and excrete excess ones from our system. Incorporate these liver supportive therapies all month long.
✅ lots of dark leafy greens & bitter veggies
✅ herbal support: artichoke, milk thistle, dandelion, turmeric
✅ acupuncture
✅ castor oil packs on liver
Stress increases inflammation and can make hormonal breakouts worse. Aim to regularly incorporate stress relieve lifestyle practices to stay balanced.
✅ regular meditation & exercise
✅ journaling
✅ prioritize sleep & self care
✅ adaptogenic herbs: rodhiola, tulsi, brahmi
✅ no to overworking, overextending, poor sleep & poor nutrition
heat in the blood
This is a concept unique to eastern medicine, and one that often contributes to hormonal acne. Below is a sampling of ways to “cool your blood” and decrease breakouts.
✅ zhen zhu (pearl), rose, manjishta, burdock root,
✅ acupuncture
✅ yes to fresh pressed greens
✅ no to spicy, oily and fried foods
on the outside
These are simple practices you can do to support healthy hormones and a healthy lifestyle. External treatments work well while treating the underlying cause for comprehensive, holistic approach.
✅ non-toxic, gentle personal care & household cleaning products
✅ daily cleanser
✅ gentle exfoliant 2-3 x/week
✅ mask 1x/week
✅non-toxic make up
✅ keep smiling, beautiful
🌹Dr. Margo created a “clear skin” protocol on fullscript for high quality herbal & nutraceutical support.
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🌷Reach out for an individualized approach and schedule an appointment today.